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Updated: Nov 1, 2019

Try these 3 tips to help you get going in the A.M

The morning is a hectic and busy time for mamas. As soon as the alarm goes off it’s a constant race against the clock to get out the door and on your way. Between squeezing in a quick shower (if you're lucky), throwing your hair in a messy bun, shuffling kids off to school and zooming off to work, it’s no wonder you’re exhausted before noon.

But the truth is the morning is an important time for our bodies and our minds. So even when your rushing against the clock it’s important to practice habits that will help you start your day off right.

Here’s the good news. This doesn’t have to take long. It can be as simple as drinking a tall glass of water before reaching for your coffee.

Check out these three ways to amp up your energy in the morning so you feel good all day long.


Think of your wake time as the foundation for the rest of your day. Why? Well because of your circadian rhythm and because of the hormone cortisol.

Your 24-25 hour biological clock, known as your circadian rhythm, regulates your sleep-wake cycle. It syncs with the sun, so you have the most energy during the day time and you start winding down at night, when your body enters rest and repair mode.

A key player in aligning your circadian rhythm is cortisol. Cortisol is produced in the adrenal glands. A big surge of cortisol in the morning helps wake you up and gives you energy to get through the day.

By waking up at the same time each morning you align with your body’s natural cortisol curve and help keep your cortisol levels balanced. When you stay up late binging on Netflix and then hit snooze a few too many times the next morning it throws off your cortisol levels.

Over time this pattern of a wonky sleep-wake rhythm can disrupt your cortisol levels and result in a cascade of symptom including adrenal fatigue, inflammation, hormonal imbalance or a compromised immune system.

Establishing a healthy sleep-wake rhythm means rising AND going to bed at the same time each day.

Getting in a good sleep-wake rhythm is an important and vital step when it comes to regaining your energy.


During the night your liver and kidneys are working hard to process, break down and eliminate toxins. And you want to support your body in moving these toxins out as efficiently as possible.

You can help your body detoxify by reaching for a glass of room temperature water when you wake up. Water will help your body eliminate the toxins it processed overnight. Adding a big squeeze of fresh lemon will enhance the detoxifying effects.

I like to keep a glass of water on my nightstand so I can start drinking water before I get distracted by all the other things I'm juggling in the morning.

And don't forget, just like when potty training little one's, you have to give yourself routine time on the toilet for a bowel movement. After all that's what detoxification and good elimination is all about!

Remember, before reaching for that cup of coffee, start with a tall glass of water.


With lots going on in the morning it can be tempting to hurry out the door without eating breakfast. But when you’ve got a full day ahead, it’s even more important that you get in some fuel to start your day. So don’t skip this meal!

Eating breakfast within 60-90 minutes of waking will help keep your energy and blood sugar steady until lunchtime.

What you choose for breakfast is important. Instead of a carb-filled breakfast focus on eating a meal packed with protein. This is key to keeping your energy levels high throughout the morning.

Some good protein fueled breakfast options include scrambled or fried eggs, yogurt (coconut is a great option if you don’t do well with dairy), or a smoothie with protein powder. If you’re going for something like oatmeal or toast you can include something high in protein like nuts, seeds, or nut butters to avoid a blood sugar crash.

Be sure to carve out time and space each morning to eat a protein packed breakfast so you're not running on empty.


Looking for more support when it comes to rebuilding your energy so you can get through the day without feeling exhausted and overwhelmed? You're in luck. I've got a FREE online class happening on Nov 19th.

Find Your Mama Mojo: 5 Simple Steps to Boost Your Energy Naturally is all about discovering how you can overcome your exhaustion, fatigue, and  stress, so you can build the life you imagine for yourself. Learn more over here.

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